Mario M. Cuomo Bridge illuminated


To make a lighting request, follow the steps below. Please bear in mind:

  • Applications to light the bridge for personal events such as birthdays and anniversaries are typically not considered, except in very special cases, for example when the individual in question has had a significant or long-standing positive impact on local communities.
  • The bridge is not lit for political campaigns or corporations.
  • Requests from non-profits, municipalities or school districts in the vicinity of the bridge will be given priority/special consideration.
  • The bridge is pre-programmed for nationally celebrated public holidays and significant events, including religious high holidays, such as Christmas, Diwali, Easter, Eid al-Fitr, Hanukkah, Holi, Kwanzaa, Orthodox Easter, Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur.
  • Depending on date, certain colors may not be available.
  • The New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) has the sole discretion to reject a request for any reason.
  • NYSTA has the sole discretion to cancel any approved request.
  • Approval of a request by NYSTA does not constitute an endorsement of the applicant’s viewpoints. 
  • A NYSTA representative will contact you only if your request is approved.

Step 1: Select Desired Date

Applicants must apply 60 days before their desired date for their application to be considered. Dates in grey are unavailable.

Step 2: Select Colors

Cuomo Bridge lit all in white. Following images overlay to add color Pink west color Purple west color Blue west color Light blue west color Light Green west color Dark Green west color Yellow west color Orange west color White west color Red west color Pink east color Purple east color Blue east color Light Blue east color Light Green east color Dark Green east color Yellow east color Orange east color White east color Red east color watermark

If you don’t want to officially submit your color combination, but want to just share with a friend…

Note: Sharing at this stage will not officially submit your lighting combination for review by the New York State Thruway Authority.

Please submit through the form below if you would like your design to be considered for bridge lighting.

Step 3: Submit and Share